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Guidelines & Submission Form

Submission deadline 04/02/2024  19/03/2024 (Extended)

The Scientific Organizing Committee of the 5th International Congress on Applied Ichthyology, Oceanography, and Aquatic Environment (HydroMediT 2024) welcomes the submission of papers for original contributions relevant to the Congress Fields of Interest.

All papers for Oral or e-Poster presentations should be submitted via the congress website ( no later than 4 February 2024 19/03/2024 (Extended) by filling in the online submission form.

  • All presenting authors need to complete registration and payment once their paper has been accepted to be presented at the congress. Each author can submit a maximum of 3 papers (as corresponding author) and present a maximum of 2 papers, if the author is participating in more papers, they must be submitted and presented by other registered co-authors.
  • All papers must be submitted and presented exclusively in English. Authors and speakers are encouraged to perform a careful check on the English language.
  • Authors are exclusively responsible for the submission of their work according to the paper submission guidelines and for submitting their paper in due time according to the paper submission deadline. Papers that do not comply with the guidelines or are submitted after the deadline will be automatically disqualified.
  • All submitted papers are subjected to a peer review process. After the evaluation, corresponding authors will receive feedback. The Scientific Organizing Committee may change the requested presentation type from Oral to e-Poster or from e-Poster to Oral following communication and approval by the authors. All accepted papers will be presented as Oral or e-Poster presentations and will be published in the Book of Proceedings.


  • Type of file: Word
  • Paper format: standard Α4 (portrait), margins: top=4cm, bottom=2.5cm, left=2.5 cm, right=2.5cm
  • Font: Times New Roman.
  • Length:

(a) for Oral presentations in minimum 4 to maximum 5 pages, and

(b) for E-poster presentations in maximum 2 pages,

Including, in both cases, Tables, Figures and Illustrations. Please do not use page numbering.

  • Title of paper: type in bold in upper-case letters (full capitals), font size 12 dpi, centered text, single spaced. Scientific names in the title in italics in lower-case.
  • Author(s): leave one line (12 dpi) between title and author(s). Type in bold, 12 dpi, centered text, single spaced. Mention first the surname and then the initial(s) of each author. Only the first letter and the initial(s) are capitalized. Initial(s) are followed by a full-stop, while use a comma (,) for separating names of each author (e.g. Smith A., Cooper B.). Do not use the word “and” for the last author. Use an asterisk (*) after the name of the corresponding author. Authors with different affiliation must be numbered consecutively (e.g. Smith A.1*, Cooper B.2).
  • Affiliation: Leave one line (10 dpi) between author(s) and affiliation. Use 10 dpi font size, non-bold, full intended, single-spaced. Use a different number for each institution. Mention first the name of the Laboratory, then Department, School, Insitution/University, postal address, post code, city, country.
  • Abstract: Leave one line (10 dpi) between affiliation and abstract. For the word “Abstract” use left margin, upper/lower case, 10 dpi, bold. Do not leave a line between the word abstract and its text. Type text in 10 dpi, single spaced and full indented. Text not exceeding 250 words.
  • Key words: Do not leave a line between abstract and key words. Give 3-5 representative key words and type in italics, 10 dpi.
  • Corresponding author: Do not leave a line between key words and corresponding author. Give the full name of the corresponding author and type in 10 dpi, non-bold, give his/her email address in parenthesis e.g. *Corresponding author: Smith Robert (
  • Main text: Generally, all papers should be divided into the following sections and appear in the order: 1. Introduction – 2. Material and Methods – 3. Results – 4. Discussion – Acknowledgements – References. The Results and Discussion sections may be combined and may contain subheadings.

The headings of sections must be typed in bold (not in full caps). Leave a line (10 dpi) between each section. The main text must be typed in 10 dpi font size, single spaced, fully indented. The first line of each paragraph should be intended at 1.27cm.

Latin nomenclature and scientific names of organisms should be typed in italics. Complete scientific names should be given when organisms are first mentioned in the text and in tables, figures and key words. The generic name may subsequently be abbreviated to the initial, e.g. S. aurata.

  • Tables and Figures: These should be referred to in the text using Arabic numbers, e.g. Figure 1, Table 1, etc., in order of appearance. Do not use abbreviations (e.g. Fig. 1). Please leave a line before and after a Table/Figure to separate it from the main text.

Figure legends are given below the figure, while the titles of Tables above the Table. Both legends and titles are typed in Bold, 10 dpi, upper/lower case, single spaced, full indented. Within Tables, text and symbols may be typed in 8 to 10 dpi font size, but non-bold. Below the Table, a note can be used for explanatory purposes.

Colored figures, illustrations etc. are permitted as proceedings will be only in electronic form.

  • References:

References should be cited in the text by author and date, e.g. Lie & Hemre (1990). Please use the symbol “&” instead of “and”. Joint authors should be referred to by et al. (in italics) if there are more than two, e.g. Hemre et al. (1990). More than one paper from the same author(s) in the same year must be identified by the letters a, b, c, etc., placed after the year of publication. Listings of references in the text should be chronological. At the end of the paper, references should be listed alphabetically according to the first named author. The full titles of papers, chapters and books should be given, with the first and last page numbers.

Reference style:

Type in full indented, single spaced, with hanging at 1.27 cm, font size 10 dpi.

References in Articles

Aksnes Α., Izquierdo Μ.S., Robaina L., Vergara J.M., Montero D. (1997). Influence of fish meal quality and feed pellet on growth, feed efficiency and muscle composition in gilthead seabream (Sparus aurata). Aquaculture 153, 251-261.


Granéli E., Turner J.T. (2006). Ecology of harmful algae. Springer, Berlin, pp. 400.

Book Chapter

Bell J.G., Waagbo R. (2008). Safe and nutritious aquaculture produce: Benefits and risks of alternative sustainable aquafeeds. In: “Aquaculture in the ecosystem”, Holmer K., Black M., Duarte C.M., Marba N., Karakassis I. (eds). Springer Science and Business Media B.Y., p. 185-224.

Conference Proceedings:

Afonso L.O.B., Barcellos L.J.G., Leboute E.M., Souza S.M.G. (1994). Sex reversal of Nile tilapia Oreochromis niloticus, under laboratory conditions, using the hormone 17-alfa-methyltestosterone. Proceedings of the 4th Rio Grande Meeting of Aquaculture Experts, Anais Do, vol. 4 (1994), pp. 104–108.

Electronic reference:

FAO (2014). Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, Cultured Aquatic Species Information Programme, Sparus aurata (Linnaeus,1758). (accessed: 27-1-2018).

In case you find any difficulty in submitting your abstract electronically, please contact ARTION Conferences & Events (


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